“Let the children be free; encourage them; let them run outside when it is raining; let them remove their shoes when they find a puddle of water; and, when the grass of the meadows is damp with dew, let them run on it and trample it with their bare feet; let them rest peacefully when a tree invites them to sleep beneath its shade; let them shout and laugh when the sun wakes them in the morning…”
—Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child
Young children are joyful explorers of the natural world—fascinated by seashells, rocks, puddles, and almost everything around them. As we introduce the sciences to children, their experiences with the natural world becomes fascinating and interesting.
Exploration, inquiry and discovery is the goal of the Science lessons in Children’s House. Learning ‘hands-on’, making predications, observing and developing children’s scientific vocabulary forms an integral part of learning about the Science curriculum.
Helen has introduced some wonderful Science topics this semester to the full-day students in Children’s House.
The photos show the Seahorse class making cloud finders, using mirrors and shapes to discover symmetry, exploring Shadows and discovering what papers are transparent or opaque.
Ayesha Meer – Children’s House Program Coordinator & Teacher