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Culture work in Dolphin Class

The Dolphin children have recently been very busy with the Culture activities in the classroom. The Culture area of the environment includes geography, history, botany, zoology, science, music and art.

Over one hundred years ago, Dr Maria Montessori wrote, “The child is both the hope and a promise for mankind.” Montessori children gain a worldview from a young age. Children begin to realize that they are part of a larger community. Maria Montessori’s goal was to promote global understanding and international peace. This understanding begins with geography and cultural lessons.

Through geography lessons, children become aware of where they live in the world. Young children learn to identify the continents, many countries and flags. Their world expands. Montessori cultural lessons expose children to different people and their cultures. These lessons include how people have adapted to different climates, their homes, clothing, food, and customs. Through continent and cultural studies, children learn about the interconnectedness of all life on earth.