Express Your Interest

On Wednesday 23 June, 2021, students of the Adolescent Program participated in an advisory naming process, facilitated by local indigenous woman and friend of the school, Ms Tania Bennell. Being part of our NAIDOC week activities, Tania explained the importance of this year’s NAIDOC theme – Heal Country!

“NAIDOC 2021 invites the nation to embrace First Nations’ cultural knowledge and understanding of Country as part of Australia’s national heritage and equally respect the culture and values of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders as they do the cultures and values of all Australians”.

Tania’s beautiful story telling about the Wagyl (Rainbow Serpent), was a perfect introduction to our sub-school naming and advisory re-naming process. While improving our  kaartdijin (knowledge) about various local creatures, each Advisory explored the significance and symbolism of the animals and how that might relate to them and their group. So now the Maambakoort sub-school, just like the Barna Marlak sub-school, have new names for their advisory groups (see new names in table below).

At the conclusion of the process, a very happy Tania stated,… “You’ve all made history here today. This is part of a new history that we can all be proud of”. She reinforced the point that, “the past is the past, and we can’t change it, but we can all be part of a better future”.

Tania was also very touched by the beautifully performed Acknowledgement of Country, by the Barna Marlak advisories. Congratulations to those involved.

Barna Marlak (land creatures) Sub-school
Advisory name Advisor Previously known as
Noorn (snake) Michelle na
Koobalong (frog) Gurmayll/Julie/Dave na


Maambakoort (sea creatures) Sub-school
Advisory name Advisor Previously known as
Maarmong (whale) Andrew Orcas
Manyin (sea lion) Scarlett Narwahls
Bamba (stingray) Kirsty Crocodilos
Kwila (shark) Mark Wobbegongs
Boodalong (pelican) Jenny Mantarays
Djildjit (fish) Leo Sea Dragons

Tony Gillespie – Deputy Principal