Infant Toddler Program / Playgroup
Welcome back everyone. We are delighted to see so many new families joining our sessions this year.
Many children got straight back into work on the first day cleaning windows, watering plants and mopping water spills enthusiastically! Some children are in the process of toilet training which is always a much discussed topic within our group. It is a natural and gradual process that develops at the child’s own pace. The current combination of warmer weather, along with easy care summer clothing seems to be the perfect time for many families to engage in the process. Some as young as 14 months are already well on the way towards independence without as much as an accident or two a week. Recently a parent showed me what a disposable potty is. A durable, biodegradable, folding cardboard pot (with a bio plastic bag insert) that fits into your bag to go!
There are some spaces still available in our group, you are welcome to bring along a friend for a free trial on your next visit.
Orla Dinneen