Express Your Interest

This semester in Middle School Humanities some students have been looking at the development of Western Civilisation. Over the first four weeks, students were been introduced to each era, major events, individuals and movements and how this has affected the society that we live in today.  They’ve journeyed into Nomadic Society, Vikings, Middle Ages to the Great War’s, the roaring 20’s and The Great Depression, to the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s up until now.

As part of one of their lessons Narwhals and Crocodilo’s combined forces to create one accurate outfit that captured the era’s of Elizabethan, Enlightenment, Romantic, Victorian and Edwardian. Students had to summarise the chosen era and provide a piece of music to accompany the model walking the runway.

For their overall projects for the term, students will choose from selecting a topic such as warfare, art, music, politics, fashion, gender, civil rights, crime and punishment or literature and explore how it has changed and developed throughout the eras.  Or, select an era to explore and demonstrate how it has impacted today.

Kirsty Williams – Adolescent Program Coordinator & Teacher