Express Your Interest

This term in the Penguins class, the children have been bringing in the husks of mangoes. We have opened the husks to extract the seeds before wrapping them in wet paper to see if we can activate the seeds. The class has left the seeds wrapped up for a week and it has been fantastic to watch the seeds sprout and monitor the new growth. At this stage we have planted two seeds in small pots with hopefully another two seeds ready to plant in the coming week. Some Sea horse children also joined one afternoon to watch the seed extraction.

On the 12th of November Children’s house Pre-Primary children participated in a hospital incursion. They learnt about basic hospital procedures that may take place in the event of a day to day accident. Children had an opportunity to play with bandages, crutches, wheelchairs and had the opportunity to dress up as doctors and nurses and role play conducting surgery of mannequins.

Tom Cullity – Penguins Teacher