A warm welcome back to Term 3. We are delighted to welcome so many new families who have joined in both Lakelands and Rockingham to start their Montessori journey with us. Whilst the wet weather keeps us predominantly indoors, the children are keeping busy with new work on the shelves. Our painting easel outside gets too wet with all the wind and rain, so indoors, our art shelf has plenty of card making with medium choices of pastel, acrylic, paste and stickers to keep creative hands busy.
Outdoor walks in the rain with gumboots and umbrellas are always popular and when we have a dry spell the Pikler frames and climbing equipment is set out to further encourage whole body movement. Some children are immediately drawn more to our outdoor environment and hardly make it indoors on their first visit. We see this often at this age, it takes a while to get to know each other and feel comfortable in a small group. Just follow your child. They will decide when to venture indoors.
Just a friendly reminder to all of our Rockingham families (on all days). Due to anaphylaxis please do not carry or eat any food items containing egg, almond, cashew and/or coconut in our group. The health and safety of all our members is a top priority. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Carla and Orla