Express Your Interest


Welcome to the launch of our new look newsletter.  Over the past six months we have been updating our website and we are now introducing our new blog page which will be updated as events occur.  Coming soon will be the updated version of our Facebook pages.  We encourage you to join our RMS Community Spirit Facebook page which will provide you with internal information occurring across the school. We will also be launching our RMS Alumni Facebook page to ensure we keep all our past students connected and ensure they hear about upcoming alumni events.

Tonight is our very special Parent Education event with Laura Flores Shaw.  This is a not to be missed event as Laura is a wonderful presenter and her topic of “Montessori and Differentiation of the Self” is appropriate for parents of children of all ages and will particularly focus on education for the 21st century.

I am delighted to announce that the renovations in the Turtles classroom are now complete.  The toilet has been removed from the centre of the room creating a more open environment with better flow for the children to work.  With the increase in student retention across the school and particularly from the three Lower to two Upper Primary classes we have had to expand the size of the Turtles classroom.  The Turtles class will move to the new Karnup campus when we are given occupancy following the build of the first block of primary school classrooms.  We eagerly await the bank’s decision on finance to complete a timeframe for the building work on the primary school classrooms at the Karnup campus.  Following this we will be discussing with families their preferred campus, transport arrangements and movement schedule.  This is certainly a busy time ahead.

I would like to introduce our school councillor, Cailin Taylor to families.  Cailin is available to meet with children and parents on Monday’s and Wednesday’s.  If you would like to speak with Cailin or have your child meet with Cailin please contact her directly on Ctaylor@rms.wa.edu.au.

Scott and Natalie, our wonderful Penguins Education Assistant, added a baby to their family in January and since this time this little man has had a number of name suggestions from his older siblings and parents however it is lovely to now be able to welcome Ronin Wright as a member of our RMS school family.