We have had so many amazing events occur in the school over these past few weeks with the graduation of both our Senior School students and also our Primary School students, the senior School forum, our parent report meetings through our Primary School sites and exhibitions in the Adolescent Program.
We also congratulate Jessie who graduated from her role as the school ambassador for the City of Rockingham Junior Council and Kiera who had her speech for the “Raise your Voice Program” read out in the Western Australian parliament by Senator Fatima Payman. See the video here: https://fb.watch/hfVstcLfXa/
These are such notable events and we congratulate all our students for their dedication and commitment to their learning. We also have enjoyed supporting our sixty-four transitioning students who have completed their transition visits and are ready to commence in their new classes/advisories next year.
You may have noticed some changes to our reports. We are preparing to go online with our reporting to families and as such, there is a different format due to using a new student information system. Learning Areas and line items within the reports have remained the same so you can refer to previous reports to see your child’s progress. As we have chosen to print this semester’s reports, the style is a little clumsy in print form however we will have all these bumps ironed out and ready for the online version in semester one 2023. You will get more information about the electronic distribution of reports next year. We have also moved from having separate Learning Area comments to one overall comment. One comment better reflects our Montessori approach to working with the whole child/student. It means we can better respond to an individual’s interests and report on their development as thriving, flourishing humans instead of dividing that progress into separate boxes. We would appreciate your feedback on the new report comment format.
We are sad to say goodbye to Julie Lindstedt and wish her well with her retirement. We sincerely thank Julie for all the work she has done creating an amazing music program across the whole school with a highlight being the music extravaganza held recently. Thank you also, Julie, for setting up the Science area in the Adolescent Program and I know the Barna Marlak subschool students and staff will miss your fun and energy around all things science. We wish Andrew Woolstein a restful Long Service Leave and look forward to hearing all his stories of home renovations when he returns in term two. Huge congratulations to our three new RMS staff “family” members – Renea’s little girl Ivy, Scarlett’s little boy River and Nurjana’s little boy Senai.
What a wonderful night we had for our Carols on the Green, and a huge thank you to Jo Benson for her coordination of the Community Spirit team who helped make this event so much fun for all.
For any families that missed out on receiving a ‘2022 Photo Year Book’, we still have some available, please feel welcome to pop into reception anytime this week or next, to collect one for your family.
With the holiday period coming up we anticipate many families travelling and we would encourage families to pop into reception at your relevant site to pick up some Rapid Antigen Test kits. We have stock available for all families and staff to pop a kit in your travel bags to keep a check on your health as we look forward to seeing you all back after a wonderful summer break on Monday 30 January.
Happy holidays to all,
Love Vanessa