Express Your Interest

Happy New Year and welcome back for the start of term one.

I welcome families to our first Snack and Chat this year from 3pm on Friday 19 February.  Please feel free to bring something for afternoon tea and stay in the Primary School playgrounds for a catch up with friends.  Please remember our Heathy Eating Policy and Waste Wise accreditation so no litter is our preference.  You will notice our amazing new nature playground which has been an outstanding success with the children as the photos show.  We have also had renovations in our Seahorse, Dolphins and Dugongs classes with new timber table tops and in our Starfish and Sea Lions class, new carpet along with Starfish’s new toilet access from within their classroom.

I am delighted to welcome our new staff and also welcome back some familiar faces.  Leo Keith has been relieving in the Adolescent Program over 2020 and we are so happy to now have him fulltime on staff as the new Senior School Advisor and DOTT teacher in the Primary School.  Leo’s expertise is Digital Technologies, which is an area mentioned in our annual survey by some families as an area lacking in our Primary School offerings.  Having already seen Leo’s passion in this area, I know he inspires many and will expand these offerings and enthusiasm to students across the whole school.  Welcome to Lesley Reid as our new Wellness Advisor.  Lesley will be with us two days per week and will work from the AP to support students and staff across the whole school with diagnosis, counselling and psychological support.  Lesley has worked in government schools for many years as a school psychologist and we look forward to having this additional resource now for our families.

We welcome back Jenny Short who will be replacing Jade as our Mantarays Advisor.  Jenny is a Phys Ed specialist and during her previous tenure with us was sensational in supporting the Senior School students with Internship placements and Vocational Education courses.  Welcome back also to Julie Lindstedt who will return to her Music specialist role across the whole school but will also now share her expertise and passion as our new Middle School advisor with her specialism being Science.  We are also delighted to have Renata Kanagaratnam return to staff as our Indonesian/Bahasa language teacher along with Sandy McNeill who will rejoin the Turtles class as EA allowing Martin to move full time to the Adolescent Program.  It is fabulous to have these four staff return and we very much look forward to the students enjoying the talents they bring with them.

A huge welcome back to Nat Wright from her maternity and study leave to commence both our Pinjarra Infant Toddler Program and our Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Program at the Rockingham Primary School site.  Please contact reception@rms.wa.edu.au to book a place in the OSHC program.

Our Community Spirit have a special event planned for Sunday 7 March at 6pm with the showing of the Western Australian movie “Cry of the Forests”.  To book, follow the prompts below to purchase tickets through FanForce. We have secured places for RMS at this screening and highly recommend this as compelling viewing for students and families.

Kind regards,
