Finally, we have received approval of our Development Applications for the Adolescent Program and Playground area at Port Kennedy and have now signed contracts with Shelford Quality Homes who were our successful tenderer for the Adolescent Program fit out. There is an extensive list of conditions attached to these Development Approvals and as such we are making the alterations to the playground before awarding this work to the playground contractors. Three quotes have been received for this work and we will shortly be able to commence with water and power connection to the playground area, so we can lay turf and have this ready for the students to play on at the beginning of the year.
Unfortunately, with the delays of the Development Approvals, labor and building supply shortages, the Adolescent Program will not move to the Port Kennedy site until the commencement of Term 2 2022. As a result, we are working with Murdoch University to extend our lease into Term 1 2022. As shown in the diagram below, we will be commencing the third Middle School advisory group in the Barna Marlak sub school at the commencement of 2022 and are also working with Murdoch University to arrange an additional space for this advisory.
The City of Rockingham have informed us that we should have an imminent decision on our Development Application for the Primary School site in Port Kennedy. Following this notification, we will be putting a survey out to all our Primary School families asking which site you would like your child/ren to attend from the beginning of next year and which semester going forward, you would like to have your child transition to the Port Kennedy site if that is your preferred campus. Once we have your campus preferences we will then be able to finalise classroom placements for all of our Rockingham and Port Kennedy children who will be transitioning at the end of this year. As the fit out for the Port Kennedy Primary School site is not as extensive as the Adolescent Program at Port Kennedy, we anticipate that the Primary School will be ready for a Term 1 2022 start.
Based on our last three open day tours for both the Primary and Adolescent Program we have great interest from families across the southern Peel region to join our beautiful school. This is such wonderful news as it means we are able to offer more children the opportunity to be exposed to our beautiful Montessori philosophy. Most of our families tell me they chose our School because it is small and they like the community feel. Whilst this is such an exciting time for the school to be opening our new campus we are very mindful of ensuring we continue to provide a small school approach for each and every child and family because we too like the personalised approach.
“Follow the Child”
We have been informed by the PCYC that the commencement of their building program has been delayed and will now commence on 18 October. As a result, we will continue with the existing Kiss and Drive arrangements using the PCYC carpark and church carpark throughout this term and will change to the Bowling club arrangements in the first week of next term. We will distribute detailed instructions on the bowling club collection point to all relevant families at the beginning of next term.
I would like to thank all families and staff for completing the school survey over the past two weeks as your feedback is very important to us and helps us to provide an outstanding program for your child.
Vanessa Aikins – Principal