Express Your Interest

Many of our Adolescent Program students have aspirations to pursue careers in engineering fields, the construction industry or other fields that require technical training qualifications. To assist these students, TAFE conduct a range of ‘taster programs’, so that school-age students can gain some insight into training associated with these fields. Not only does it give students a chance to try out something that they may have an interest in, importantly, it also exposes the students to a very different educational environment.

In week one, this term, Aaron, Tyson, Maia, DeLaRey and Jayden completed a three-day Try-a-Trade experience doing bricklaying and carpentry. “It was a ‘top-ten’ experience. I made some new friends from other schools and the lecturers were really nice blokes. I’d love to do it again”, was DeLaRay’s assessment of the program.

Tony Gillespie-Deputy Principal