Express Your Interest
RMS Enrolment Steps

Enrolment steps


The typical steps undertaken by families when applying to enroll their child at Rockingham Montessori School are:

  • Attend an Open Day or arrange an individual school tour
  • You can request an ‘observation’, if you are unfamiliar with Montessori,which is an opportunity to sit quietly in the classroom for thirty minutes and observe.
  • Complete a formal Application for Admission. This registers your interest without committing you to accept a place or committing the School to offer a place.

Once a potential place becomes available:

  • An interview is arranged between parents, child and Principal, to discuss the child and their needs and to ask and answer questions.
  • An ‘orientation’ follows a successful interview, which is a brief meeting with the teacher, and an opportunity for the child to view their classroom.
  • A two-day in-class trial, longer if needed, is then undertaken, for the child to get acquainted with the classroom environment, the teacher and their peers.

If the School and the family are both happy with the trial:

  • A Letter of Offer from the School formalises the offer of a place to the child
  • Formal acceptance by the family is indicated by completing the Enrolment Agreement and Fee Payment Agreement and paying the Enrolment Fee and Bond Deposit.

Once the administration is done, your child is ready to start. Welcome to the Rockingham Montessori School community.

Waiting lists

Waiting lists are common, especially for children wanting to enter our Children’s House (age 3 to 6), Submission of applications in advance are essential. Applications for enrolment are processed on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to siblings of current students, or children who have previous Montessori experience. Please contact Enrolments (enrolments@rms.wa.edu.au) to ask about current availability of places.

RMS Infant & Toddler Program

Early Years

0 - 3 Years

Our Infant Toddler Program (Playgroup) is the ideal way for your family to experience the Montessori philosophy and practice, while providing toddlers with a gentle transition to the Children’s House.

RMS Children's House Program

Children’s House

3 - 6 Years

Rockingham Montessori School has three Children’s House classrooms, named Dolphins, Penguins and Seahorse, reflecting our seaside location. Each is led by a dedicated and highly-trained Montessori teacher.

RMS Primary Program

Primary Program

6 - 12 Years

Rockingham Montessori School has three Lower-Primary classrooms: Jelly Fish, Starfish and Sea Lions, continuing our ocean theme. Teachers are Montessori-trained and work with the help of an education assistant.

Adolescent Program

12 -18 Years

In Montessori’s third plane of development, from twelve to eighteen years old, the adolescent has a ‘humanistic mind’ eager to understand humanity and the contribution they can make to society.