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Governance Documents and Policies


Strategic Plan

The Rockingham Montessori School community has developed the following strategic plan to guide the development of the educational programs for all students.


The School’s constitution is the document which sets out the rules for how the School governs itself. Inherent in these rules are fundamental beliefs about what the School aims to do, how the School makes decisions, and who is responsible for what.

Meeting Minutes

The School Board meet monthly. Please find the current AGM meeting minutes below.


The School prepares an Annual Report which includes a wide variety of information including the educational program, staffing, finance and governance. Based on each calendar year, the report takes several months to collate and prepare and is accepted by the membership at the AGM.

Annual Report 2024


Montessori Quality Assurance Program

Rockingham Montessori school continues to be a Montessori School of Excellence.

Parent Handbook

Parents receive a Parent Handbook when a child enrols at Rockingham Montessori School.


School policies guide decision-making day-to-day and provide clarity, transparency and consistency. They are also required by external agencies, in particular the Department of Education Services and the Department for Consumer Protection.