It has been a wonderful autumn at the Pinjarra Infant Toddler Program. The children have enjoyed exploring the beautiful gardens, discovering pumpkins and passion fruit ripening on the vines.
Thanks to Peter, the Chairman of the Pinjarra Community Gardens, who has kindly loaned us his portable oven, we have been able to start baking this week. Warm gluten-free scones were enjoyed by all after the children explored the soft textured dough and created interesting shapes. Next week we will try some bread rolls. Thank you to Elise and Ava for bringing the dough next week, as well as all the other things you have provided to date, including meaningful connections to the other families.
It has been wonderful watching our new children come into our space with excitement, and as the weeks progress, settling into working with the equipment from the shelves. It has been equally wonderful watching our older children welcome these new friends. Shared snack has definitely been an amazing experience in coming together as a community, from preparing the fruit platter for our friends to setting the table and enjoying each other’s company at the table.
Thank you to Orla at the Rockingham Campus for your continued guidance and support. Welcome to Carla at our new Lakelands Campus, it has been an excitingly busy start for you. The Mandurah community have clearly embraced the Montessori approach.
We look forward to our little Montessori community in Pinjarra growing over the coming weeks.
Nat Wright – Infant Toddler Program Coordinator