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Children’s House – Week 9 Term 4

Children’s House – Week 9 Term 4

The Children’s House children always thoroughly enjoy the hospital incursion that usually happens towards the end of each year and this time was no exception. Carmen from Perth Children’s Hospital brought a room full of fascinating equipment, props, puzzles, books and...
Lower Primary – Week 9 Term 4

Lower Primary – Week 9 Term 4

Starfish Starfish children have a love for books and enjoy reading for various reasons, including entertainment, gaining information, and fostering imagination and creativity. Alongside their passion for reading, they also enjoy writing and illustrating their own...
Upper Primary – Week 9 Term 4

Upper Primary – Week 9 Term 4

Upper Primary have had a creative last few weeks of term. They have been working together as teams to construct a model rollercoaster. They put together creative designs incorporating hills, loops, curves and funnels. The groups tested their designs with a marble....
Adolescent Program – Week 9 Term 4

Adolescent Program – Week 9 Term 4

Serpentine River Study On the 21st of October Bindi Bindi and Karda went on an excursion along the Serpentine River. These senior classes have been learning about all aspects of the river including environmental issues, habitats along the river, the Aboriginal history...
Infant Toddler Program – Week 9 Term 4

Infant Toddler Program – Week 9 Term 4

The term is flying by and we are getting ready for… dare we say it… Christmas. The children were delighted this week to be greeted at the door with a lovely potted Christmas tree ready for watering and decorating. A perfect tree for a toddler, just add a...