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Principals News – Week 9 Term 4

Principals News – Week 9 Term 4

What a beautiful balmy evening we had for our Carols on the Green event on Friday night.  I would again like to thank Mary for coordinating this event and acknowledge her bunch of merry helpers for making everything go beautifully on the night.  I would also like to...
Principal’s News – Week 6 Term 4

Principal’s News – Week 6 Term 4

I hope you are enjoying the videos we have been producing of our Adolescent Students on Facebook and our website. In our parent surveys last term we had a number of comments about families wanting to know how the Adolescent Program works and how our students enter...
Principal’s News – Week 3 Term 4

Principal’s News – Week 3 Term 4

I am very sad to inform our school community that the amazing Deb Dwyer will be retiring at the end of the year.  Deb has been with our school since 2015 as our Dolphins teacher.  Deb has had a profound impact on so many within our school community as she has such an...
Principal’s News Week 7 Term 3

Principal’s News Week 7 Term 3

I would like to thank all staff and families for completing the annual survey over the past two weeks. I would also like to thank our Community Spirit (Christina Tanumihardja and Lisa Kelly), for their work with our recent Subway lunch order but particularly for the...
Principal’s News Week 6 Term 3

Principal’s News Week 6 Term 3

Families, students (Upper Primary to Senior school-aged) and staff will shortly receive information on our annual survey, open for your feedback from 26 August through to 6 September.  This is your opportunity to provide feedback on a range of areas across the school...
Principal’s News Week 3 Term 3

Principal’s News Week 3 Term 3

We have had a fantastic start to Term 3 with the Boodjar Kaatijin group performing for students in Week 1 and then swimming lessons commencing this week for all Primary School students. The Adolescent students have also had a range of going out activities since the...