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Upper Primary – Week 9 Term 4

Upper Primary – Week 9 Term 4

Upper Primary have had a creative last few weeks of term. They have been working together as teams to construct a model rollercoaster. They put together creative designs incorporating hills, loops, curves and funnels. The groups tested their designs with a marble....
Upper Primary – Week 6 Term 4

Upper Primary – Week 6 Term 4

On Thursday the 24th of October Pop Charlie and Aunty Helen came to our PK site to tell us some Aboriginal stories as well as some stories about the Baldivis Children’s Forest. It was an amazing visit and some terrific stories that Pop Charlie told us. He told...
Music – Week 3 Term 4

Music – Week 3 Term 4

One Big Voice. On the 22nd September, the RMS choir participated in a massed choir event at the RAC Arena called the One Big Voice, where over a thousand children sang together in harmony. We were very excited to be part of this musical extravaganza for the first...
Upper Primary – Week 3 Term 4

Upper Primary – Week 3 Term 4

This term the Dugongs and Turtles have been enjoying settling into their new shared classroom space. The children are becoming more familiar with their new environment, and it’s been wonderful to see them engaging across the open-plan area and forming new social...
Upper Primary – Week 6 Term 3

Upper Primary – Week 6 Term 3

Peace Learning Circles During the holidays, our teachers, Lucy and Lani, participated in a four-day professional learning workshop focused on Peace Learning Circles. This program is designed to promote academic, social, and emotional development by fostering a...
Upper Primary – Week 3 Term 3

Upper Primary – Week 3 Term 3

Last week our Upper Primary students took part in Pyjama Day 2024. While it’s an opportunity for students and staff to wear their most comfortable and cosiest pyjamas, as Scarlett explains, it’s an opportunity to raise money and awareness for an important...