Our recent Parent Ed on Freedom Within Limits was a fabulous event. We had a great mix of families – new and old, and our fantastic presenters represented each campus of RMS across each Plane of Development. Deb Dwyer started with Infancy, who then flowed into Di Edmonds on Childhood and then Scarlet Farrell wrapped up with Adolescence. At question time, parents from all cycles asked questions and the staff responses showed just how our Montessori program flows naturally between the stages of development for each child at their own rate. It was truly evident how at each stage the child has a choice and that if we jump in to help a child when it is not required, then, we are not providing this freedom and as such the child has no opportunity to develop their own limits, as such, they will always look for others to impose boundaries rather than trusting themselves to make the right decision and develop into a state of Normalisation.
What was really exciting, was the buzz to be in a prepared environment where it was all about Adolescents and Adult learning. It was lovely to see our families enjoying the new Adolescent Program prepared environment and feeling as comfortable as our adolescents do in their new space. One of our parents asked what authentic reading material she could access to learn more about Montessori. Stay tuned as we are planning to hold “Montessori Morning Chat” sessions in the form of a book club/seminar group for Parent Ed sessions at the AP. We will be holding these sessions in the AP environment so that we can have families immersed in Montessori learning whilst surrounded by our adolescents.
A huge thank you to Jo Benson for her coordination of our Sushi lunch order on Friday and then followed closely by a fantastic disco for our Primary School children on Friday night. The Community Spirit group are commencing their preparations for our Carols on the Green event which takes place on the 2nd of December. If you are able to help with this event please email reception@rms.wa.edu.au or contact Jo via our RMS Community Spirit Facebook page.
I am really pleased to be able to offer my Principal’s Morning Tea to our students from Lower Primary and above from this week. I will be commencing with the students from the Adolescent Program and also the Port Kennedy Primary School and then in Term 4, I will offer places for the Rockingham Primary School site children. This is something that I have missed greatly and I am reminded by the students regularly that they too also enjoy this event.