Express Your Interest

Last year we had a representative of Roadwise WA come and provide feedback on our Kiss and Drive procedures at the Primary School.  The feedback was our families and staff are doing an amazing job at the busy drop off/collection times.  They noted families being very courteous to others and the short period of time that it takes for all of our children to be collected from site in the afternoon.

As our children progress/transition through the Primary School, Kiss and Drive morning drop off and afternoon pick-up routines change.  We look at the most suitable and safe areas for you to collect your child from and to assist with the smooth running of Kiss and Drive procedures.  If these arrangements do not suit your family, we are always happy to modify this to suit both yourself and the school’s needs. Having said this, we would like to remind all families not to park in Attwood Way as this causes traffic congestion and reduces the staff vision when we are taking groups of children to the various collection points. There are many parking bays in Emma Street and we encourage families to use these bays if they would like to walk their child to and from school.

We have once again had concerns raised about double parking on Attwood Way and so to improve safety and public traffic flow, if you are using collection point A or B, we ask that you enter Attwood Way via the Samy Medical Centre and leave via the Skate Park direction (please see photo below).  Whilst Kiss and Drive is open from 3:00pm-3:15pm we do have families that start queuing from 2.30pm.  This causes the double parking issue around the corner and the blocking of Roscoe Turn.  We encourage families to stagger the time of arrival in the afternoon, if you aim to arrive between 3.05pm and 3.10pm you can generally drive straight through without having to queue.  Please keep to the left hand side of the road in the usual line of traffic.

If you are using collection point C or D then please enter and exit these areas via Emma Street.

Thank you for your help in making our Kiss and Drive run as smoothly and safely as possible.

We invite you all to our annual Walk to School Day on Friday 14th May followed by the Scholastic Book Fair. We can’t wait to see everyone join us on the walk and following this at the Primary School grounds to purchase books to support future Community Spirit activities, please check your emails and your child’s class Seesaw for more details.  Speaking of Community Spirit events we also are looking forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming Disco on the 28 May after Snack and Chat on Friday afternoon/evening.  Thank you to Community Spirit for arranging these fun events.

We had a full house for Parent Education last night with our topic of Observation and Conferencing.  I would like to thank Jodi, Deb, Di, Andrew, Mark and Tony for giving their time to present and also to Kirsty for assisting our Senior School students Bella and Ella, with the creche.  The night flowed through Children’s House, Lower Primary, Upper Primary, Middle School and Senior School focusing on how we assess student learning through each Plane of Development.  Particular interest was shown for the upcoming information evening that will outline our new 15 to 18 years Montessori curriculum and how our students will gain University entry from 2022 onwards.  I encourage all families to attend this event at the Adolescent Program on Tuesday 15th June at 6pm, more details to follow.

Vanessa Aikins – Principal