I would like to thank the teachers for their presentation on Observation and Conferencing for Parent Ed held on 6 May and to Deb Dwyer for her presentation at the Montessori Morning Chat on Metal Insets, along with Jodi Kerslake for facilitating the Transition Meetings with families of transitioning children. These information sessions are designed by the teachers for families within our school to assist with the continuity of practice between the home and school environment for your child. We urge families to attend these sessions as it is a wonderful opportunity to expand your learning and to ask any questions you may have about the Montessori practice. Dates of upcoming sessions are on the term calendar on our website. View our 2021 Term Dates.
We have certainly had some fun educational events over the past three weeks including the Beach Detective Excursions, the Constable Care incursion and our Snack and Listen performance where music students performed for families on 14 May after school. Our whole school Sports Day was also a fabulous event and I thank the Senior School students and Jenny Short for coordinating and running events on the day. The feedback from so many parents and staff was a credit to this year’s organising team. Our Children’s House full day children, dressed all in yellow, certainly had fun last Friday on their Sports Day too.
A highlight for the Adolescent Program over the past few weeks has been the Middle School students Expedition to Nanga Bush Camp in Dwellingup and for our Senior School students who are currently travelling the central and West Coast of Western Australia for nine days on Odyssey. I particularly thank all of our teachers who have given up time away from their families to support the enrichment of the learning programs for our students. These home away from home experiences benefit our young people immensely especially in the development of independence, resilience and the development of strong friendships amongst their peers.
I would like to thank the ongoing work of the Community Spirit who has arranged a number of activities over the past weeks including the Subway lunch orders arranged by Jessica Combrink, the cooking of the breakfast for the Walk to School Day by Tristan Fuller and Brad Forbes, and The Book Fair arranged by Jo Benson. We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday night 28 May, for our School Disco at the Primary School and we thank in advance those families who will be helping out at the busy bee this Saturday to reconstruct the chicken coup at the Primary School.
Aiden and I spoke with the Primary School children this week about the Camp Quality Sleep Out that we are arranging on the 12 June at the Primary School site. Whilst we would love you to join us for the sleep out we also encourage you to donate to our fundraising page as we aim to raise $1000 for families who have been affected by cancer. This amazing program has supported four of our families over the past twelve months by allowing these families, who have had members undergoing cancer treatment, to have a fun family weekend away with their loved ones funded by the Camp Quality Program. For catering purposes and space allotment please let us know if you intend to join us at the school sleepover but please more importantly, please donate to this important cause. If you are unable to join us and are unable to provide a cash donation we would also like to support these families by donating time to help around their homes. Please let me know if you are able to spare some time to garden, paint or do home-keeping tasks to assist these families.
Vanessa Aikins – Principal