Express Your Interest

Australian History cosmic learning experiences, outings and song recordings.

As part of our learning in Australian History during Term 2, the Turtles and Dugongs children have participated in two unique learning experiences.

To begin our learning focus this term, we participated in the Reconciliation Week recording of “From Little Things, Big Things Grow”, as a national initiative for group singing (thank you to Marie from the AP for organising the recording for us).

The Turtles and Dugongs children then went on an excursion to the WA Museum. We would like to express our thanks to our parent volunteers, for without whom this would not have been possible: Jessica Tutton, Anne Kemshall and Luke Oldridge.

Following our exciting passage on the train to the Perth Cultural Centre, we participated in the Cultural Collisions workshop to learn about the early encounters and collisions of culture between the Aboriginal peoples of Western Australia and a variety of newcomers since 1616.

We discussed First Contact experiences between Aboriginal peoples in our state, investigating the history of encounters with various visitors through industry, trade and colonisation. Evidence of these diverse relationships and their cultural, social, and economic consequences were examined through objects and artworks from the Museum’s collections through guided tours and storytelling.

We were lucky to enjoy beautiful sunny weather and lunch outside and the statutes self-guided tour was particularly popular with the children and adults alike, especially the tortoise for the Turtles children.