Express Your Interest

On Thursday the 24th of October Pop Charlie and Aunty Helen came to our PK site to tell us some Aboriginal stories as well as some stories about the Baldivis Children’s Forest. It was an amazing visit and some terrific stories that Pop Charlie told us. He told us some stories of the Noongar animals which were very interesting. By the time they had to go we all said goodbye.

By Isla (Janda student)

On the 28th of October, PK Primary had a Noongar man called Dylan Collard come in to teach about his native language (Noongar). He taught us the names for some native animals and for emotions as well. He also told us some dream-time stories that were really interesting and funny. We had loads of fun with the stuffed animals, they were so cute! We all got to take home a booklet we made to learn more of the Noongar language. We loved having him and we would definitely have Dylan again!

By Tilly (Janda student)