Express Your Interest

Children’s House – Dolphins

Recently the children have enjoyed talking and learning about the original owners of the land that we live and play on. Rockingham is a special meeting place for various Aboriginal peoples but mostly this area of WA is home to the Noongar people and they have taken care of this boodjar (country) for a very, very long time. To honour this we have been learning an Acknowledgement of Country and the children enjoy saying the words and doing the actions, especially at school meetings.

Djooroobidiny koorliny! (Take it easy!)

Acknowledgement of Country

Here is the Land, the Sea, the Sky.

Here are my friends and here am I.

We play today on Whadjuk land.

The Noongar People, we walk hand in hand.

We’d like to say thank you for letting us share the Land that you love, we promise to take care!