Express Your Interest

Welcoming new parents and returning parents,

I’m Claudia Scruph who has taken over from Carla, I’m pleased to be working with you all. I would like to welcome our new parents and children, Brianna and Darlyn, Eloise and Jade, Amarlia and Sarah (from Rockingham Playgroup) to Lakelands playgroup.

“As soon as children are able to walk, a period begins during which the hands, which are now liberated from the task of helping the body to move, need to be given work” –  Dr. Maria Montessori.

The children did some amazing artwork using greens and blues. Fortunately, when we had some wet weather, they could still get outside to do their painting skills undercover.

This term I have put out some new fun activities for the children to explore and engage in, such as a Green paint pad with green tortoise stamp, water pouring into different-sized jars, building blocks and puzzles. We’ve also moved the eating corner to the other side of the room to create better flow around the room. Some parents have approached me saying that it was a GREAT MOVE with more space to sit.