Welcome back to our Infant Toddler Program. It was lovely to see the children again, some started walking during the holiday break and enjoy exploring the environment at a whole new level, most are taller and we are hearing an explosion of language development from many toddlers.
We are enjoying water based work in the heat. The children love transferring water via ladling, pouring, squirting and squeezing. There is plenty of opportunities to mop floors and scrub tables and chairs which is done with great vigour.
We have taken all food jobs off the shelf for the moment to ensure a safer environment for all. Please remember to bring a drink bottle and snack in a lunchbox for your child to have during the session. Our families are taking turns sitting on the outside bench to enjoy their snack.
Limited places are still available in both our Lakelands and Rockingham programs. Call our office for more information on 9528 2118. Please feel welcome to bring a friend along to our group for a free trial, we would love to introduce them to the Montessori environment for the very young.
Thank you Tina for caring for our plants during the break.