Express Your Interest

Dot Painting and Dreamtime Story

The children at Starfish have been engaged in dot painting, inspired by the Dreamtime story of the Rainbow Serpent. They’ve learned about the significance of this story in creation and have been working on a dot painting of the Rainbow Serpent, incorporating the Timeline of Life. The outcome has made them proud.

Talent Show Participation

Many Starfish children eagerly volunteered to participate in The Montessoiree’ talent show. They not only expressed their interest but also showed remarkable confidence in deciding what they wanted to perform. They even contributed to making icy poles for the event by squeezing oranges.

Montessori Picnic

Starfish children looked forward to the Montessori Picnic, where they had the opportunity to meet and play with children from other Montessori schools. Kings Park is chosen as the ideal location for this picnic, providing a beautiful setting for the gathering.

Sports Day and Carols on the Green

The children are actively practicing for both Sports Day and the Carols on the Green event, ensuring they are prepared and ready to participate in these exciting activities.