Express Your Interest

This term all Port Kennedy primary students will be working with Jodie Davidson, a Perth textile artist, to design and create some banners to decorate our classrooms. The banners will have unique designs of the native flowers that the classes are named after. Each class took the Noongar name of their chosen flower.

Children’s House – Kara (Milkmaid) – Burchardia congesta

Lower Primary – Mooja (Christmas tree) – Nuytsia floribunda

Upper Primary – Janda (Harsh Hakea) – Hakea prostrata

The students in each room have started drawing their interpretations of their class flower. These designs will be enlarged so they may be used to design the fabric flowers on the banners. Jodie has worked with everyone to rip and tie up sections of calico to be ready for dying. Using natural sources, the classes have been experimenting to see paper and material changing colour using the same. Yellow came from turmeric, Brown from Eucalyptus leaves, Tan – from brown onion skins, Pink from avocado and Green – from cabbage and mint. Once all the fabric is dyed, it will be ready for the next step.

This is a very exciting project to be a part of and everyone is very excited to see how we progress.